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Kosher Program Consultancy

1 We do a complete overview of your company, line of products, sales and marketing, R & D department, etc., and make recommendations where indicated.



We then set you up with special guidelines customized for your line of products or service!



We offer on sight seminars to familiarize you with a necessary understanding of kosher and how it applies to you, your company, your clients and the consumers that will ultimately use them.



Included are follow up surveys by us to monitor all facets of your Kosher program not covered by your certifier and advise you as needed! We will provide you with written reports upon request and recommendations to help you along the way!




Every year we encounter companies that signed on with even the most reputable kosher certifier only to have to learn inside out backwards by painful, expensive trial and error how to run their kosher plant with a patch quilt inefficient system in place! But you can learn from them and come out ahead.

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