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With our Kosher Consulting Services we help you get more out of your existing kosher program, or if you are not presently certified, we will match you up with the one that can best promote your product or services potential. We do not certify ingredients or products; there are already many fine kosher certifiers that do that. What we will do is guide you towards choosing the most suitable one for your unique needs.


With nearly 30 years serving the Kosher food industry, Chicago Kosher Consulting has the effective resources, leads, acquaintances and associates in the field to help you meet the demanding needs of the Kosher market.


Founder of Chicago Kosher Consulting Inc.


(773) 490-4001

How can  I  improve my establishment?
Is there another way to increase business?
How do I hold on to my existing customers?
Are there additional ways to promote my business image?
I must stay competitive, but how?
Is there another way to stay on the forefront of my industry?

If you are in any kind of business, you must ask yourself every day;

At Chicago Kosher Consulting we can help you answer these and more questions.


Compared to many innovations that have high price tags, steeped in government regulations and require serious renovating, a good kosher program can be the answer to all your questions. But…

Why Choose Chicago Kosher Consulting Inc.?

Chicago Kosher Consulting Inc. can show you

Do you know what to do with your kosher certification beside make kosher products?

You will be capable of realizing more


With a finer tuned kosher program.


New customer bases while holding onto your established ones.


Operate more efficiently.


Take your products and services just as far as they can go.


Stay competitive and take and be on the cutting edge of the industry.


We will show you how!


So whether it’s sourcing an alternative ingredient or finding a private label distributor with a proven track record or discovering a manufacturer for your kosher product. Contact us.

Call today to assure your continuing success!

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